



People don’t know what these common road signs mean

People don’t know what these common road signs mean

If you’re anything like most drivers, as soon as you pass your test everything you learnt goes straight out the window.

At least that’s what a recent survey asking drivers what common road signs meant has revealed.

The shocking survey results showed just how many drivers have no idea when it comes to road signs, with many not being able to identify the simplest ones.

With so many not knowing what the meaning of these common signs are, you wouldn’t be blamed for not wanting to get back out on the road any time soon.

How any of these signs do you know?

1. White rectangle on a red circle

This simple sign was particularly troublesome for survey respondents with a massive 62% unable to identify it.

The white rectangle on a red circle is in fact the no entry sign. You may see this sign when you’re driving around town. This sign is telling you no vehicular traffic can enter an area.

2. Red cross on a blue background

A slightly more forgivable one next on the list here. This red cross on a blue background means no stopping at any time. 42% of respondents didn’t know what this meant and with so many rules and signs around stopping and parking, we’re not too sure we can blame them.

3. Single diagonal line on a blue background

Perhaps responsible for the confusion over the no stopping sign, this red and blue symbol looks very similar. It also has a similar meaning – no waiting.  

You can stop on the road briefly, for example to drop off or pick up a passenger, but you cannot linger there.

4. White number on a blue background

Now we certainly think there are a few drivers who don’t know what this sign means.

The white number on a blue background is there to tell you the minimum speed you should be driving.  

A shocking 70% of drivers didn’t know the meaning of this sign. So that’s the reason for those slow drivers in front of me on a Monday morning!

5. A bus on a blue background

Hmm. It must be something to do with a bus. Right?  

It may seem obvious but a shocking 79% of respondents didn’t know that this sign was a ‘with flow bus and cycle lane’.  

Simply put, this is a lane buses and bikes use, and it goes in the same direction as the other traffic.

6. Bus behind a dashed line on a blue background

Similar to the previous example, this sign is also to do with bus lanes. Unbelievably, 72% were unable to identify this meant a ‘with flow bus lane’ was ahead.  

Sometimes these signs are accompanied by a time when the bus lane is active (usually during rush hour) so make sure to check to avoid any fines!

7. White bicycle on a blue background

Those of you who like to take your push bikes out for a spin should recognise this one.  

This white bike on a blue background simply means a recommended route for pedal cycles on a road.  

Make sure to keep an eye out for any unaware drivers on your next cycle, however, as 57% didn’t know what this sign indicated.

8. White arrow pointing left on a blue background

This white arrow on a blue background simply means turn left. Signs in blue circles always indicate you must do something. This sign with an arrow is clearly telling you to turn left.

54% of drivers didn’t know the meaning of this sign.

9. White arrow pointing towards the bottom left on a blue circle

This sign looks pretty similar to our last one, so you couldn’t be blamed for thinking they have similar meanings – and they do!

This sign is telling us to keep left and is often used on roundabouts, road work signs, and at the start of dual carriage ways.

41% of drivers didn’t know the meaning of the keep left sign.

10. White cross with a red boarder

This one is an incredibly important sign to look out for. Scarily, 43% of respondents didn’t know that this sign meant they were approaching a level crossing without a barrier.  

Make sure to look out for these, particularly in rural areas.

How many did you know? 

So there you have it, 10 common road signs that drivers don’t know the meaning of. Make sure to look out for some of these on your next journey.  

Plus, keep an eye out for the 54% of drivers who didn’t know the turn left sign meant ‘turn left’!

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